Tuesday, April 10, 2007

When we are low, nature lifts our spirits

"Sometimes we go through whole days without really tuning in to the beauty of nature that surrounds us.

We have a habit of seeing it without really taking it in, yet once we begin to notice it we treat ourselves to an exquisite realm of subtle, complex scents, miraculous forms, and ethereal light.

The natural world enriches our entire being through the vehicles of our senses. When we are low, nature lifts our spirits. When we are tired, it rejuvenates us-if we pause long enough to drink from its beauty.

If you have fallen out of the practice of taking time to observe the light as it filters through the leaves of a tree, or the concentric rings a raindrop makes as it plops into a puddle, you can retune yourself by dedicating a day to noticing the beauty in nature".

Mais um recomeco na capital paulista, apos dias entre bons amigos em Santa Catarina. Naomi voltou do Hawaii apos dois anos e Talia observava e respondia as perguntas charmosamente, jah como futura mae. Voltei inundada de amor, apos visitar essa familia querida, em Navegantes. Em Brusque, Tambem conheci a Anita, o bebe da querida Lia; encontrei a Mari (o tempo parece nunca ser suficiente para nos); trabalhei nos relatorios de sustentabilidade; curti a frente fria do final de semana olhando o mar de longe e tomando cafe com a mae...

E hoje comecam as aulas regulares no Buddha Hall, aih pertinho da paulista, das 20h as 21h15. Yeah!
Os interessados, falem comigo: carlinebrasil@hotmail.com :)

Foto by Leo Barbosa, Sao Paulo, em fev/07

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