Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Contagem regressiva

A partir deste sábado, ficarei em retiro comigo mesma pelo mundo, mais precisamente na Índia. Esses dias preparatórios não têm sido fáceis, confesso, porém já fazem parte da viagem e do autoconhecimento. A vida insiste em me dar negativas, que coisa! E eu lembro da Lama Tsering fazendo o meu mapa astral, com a dica para este meu retorno de Saturno: Medite, Carline, Medite!

Por ora, aperto o (fictício) cinto de segurança e respiro.

Mantra desta terça-feira: "Life is precious and it´s brief and you can use it well!"

Compartilhando mais Pema Chodron, sobre Céu e Inferno...

"Heaven and Hell

A big, burly samurai comes to a Zen master and says, 'Tell me the nature of heaven and hell.'

The Zen master looks him in the face and says, 'Why should I tell a scruffy, disgusting, miserable slob like you? A worm like you, do you think I should tell you anything?'

Consumed by rage, the samurai draws his sword and raises it to cut off the master´s head.

The Zen master says, 'That´s hell.'

Instantly, the samurai understands that he has just created his own hell - black and hot, filled with hatred, self-protection, anger and resentment. He sees that he was so deep in hell that he was ready to kill someone. Tears fill his eyes as he puts his palms together to bow in gratitute for this insight.

The Zen master says, 'That´s heaven.'

The view of the warrior-bodhisattva is not 'Hell is bad and Heaven is good' or 'Get rid of hell and just seek heaven.' Instead, we encourage ourselves to develop an open heart and open mind to heaven, to hell, to everything. Only with this kind of equanimity can we realize that no matter what comes along, we´re always stading in the middle of a sacred space. Only with equanimity can we see that everything that comes into our circle has come to teach us what we need to know."

Pema Chodron, Comfortable With Uncertainty

Imagem: retirada do wipimedia


24por7 said...

Boa viagem, bom retiro, e muita Luz pra passar por este planeta safado.
Saturno quase me derrubou em sua última passagem.
Mas eu nem liguei pra ele!!!

Simone said...

Everything is gonna be alright, because you are soooo kind,good and special :)
You deserve all good things of life...

Boa viagem e Força!

Beijo grande!